Picture of Linn Fløysvik

Linn Fløysvik

Summit Racing Equipment Internationals 2019

This is a very short summary of our weekend.

Tierp was our first and only race this season. We went there to learn about our new engine and so we did. The weekend started very good with a 5.61 run and we were #1 qualifier! 

Then, there were some challenges in Q3 and Q4 (we didn’t run Q2 due to engine service). However, in Q5 we ran a new personal best! 5.56 sec and 417.9 km/h!

Unfortunately, we lost the first elimination round because the car rolled over and we got the red light. We learned that we had an unfit brake cylinder which makes the car a lot harder to keep stationary while holding the aquired start RPM. Lesson learned, and we will change the cylinder during the winter together with some other upgrades to the car. 

Pictures by Marius Norheim.

Johnny Oksa og Linn Fløysvik på Tierp Arena
På med sikkerhetsutstyret
Johnny Oksa og Linn Fløysvik på Tierp Arena
Linn Fløysvik at Tierp Arena
Linn og Jone vasker funny caren
Karlsen Motorsport at Tierp Arena

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