As you know, this year we invested in a new engine and therefore we only attended two races: Drag Challenge at Gardermoen Raceway and FIA Summit Internationals at Tierp Arena. During these races, we got to know the new engine and it looks very promising for next year.
Some small changes and upgrades are to be done during the winter and we will be ready when the season starts in May 2020. For the 2020 season, we go all in. We are racing the full European Championship and are chasing new records and victories.
To be able to go fast and steady the whole season, we are constantly searching for new sponsors/partners who can see the benefit of a partnership with us. It is important for us that the partnership is profitable for both parties and we can customize an agreement that fits your company. If you are interested in more information about what we can offer or if you know someone who might be interested, please send us a message on facebook or send an email to
Thank you in advance!