Picture of Linn Fløysvik

Linn Fløysvik

Main Event 2020 is cancelled

It’s official: Main Event 2020, scheduled to May 22nd – 25th is cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Although the whole situation is very sad, I think it’s important that it is taken seriously and I fully support the decision of cancelling Main Event. As you can imagine, I’ve been very much looking forward to finally race there. I’ve been to Santa Pod several times as a team member and visitor, but I’ve never participated as a driver before.

Now we will see if Tierp Internationals (scheduled to June 4th – 7th) will still go ahead. The decision will be taken by April 10th.
In the mean time, I hope you all do what you can to help prevent further outbreaks so we can return to normal sooner. Take care!

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