We’re back home after an unbelivable race weekend at Santa Pod, UK.
This was the first race in this years European Championship and after a troubling season last year, the whole team was pretty excited to be back. We used the off-season to do improvements to the car and build up a spare engine.
Qualifying started OK with a very soft setup to the car and we ran 5.71 sec.
2rd round out we improved to 5.58 and we were very happy to be back on track! After investigating the engine after that run, we concluded that to be on the safe side and not destroy the engine completely, the best solution was to swap engine and use the spare one.

The 2nd day of qualifying was a bit of a downturn for us. We suffered from a heavy tire shake and in the 2nd run one of the headers was teared apart.
Luckily, that’s something that was fixed with great help from Pro Mod driver Jan Ericsson, so we were ready for eliminations on Monday.

In the first round we were up against Jonny Lagg. Not a great perfomance from the drivers side, but we still managed to get a new PB in both time and speed: 5.54 sec and 422 km/h! And we moved on to the final.
In the final, we were up against Silvio Strauch who had taken out Sandro Bellio in the previous round.
It was a close final and we both set new PBs, but we were faster and won the race!
Our new PB is 5.51 sec , and this makes us the 5th fastest in TMFC in Europe of all times.
With this result, we are currently leading the European Championship!